30.10.2019 | Highlights of the 4th meeting Inter-Ministerial Steering Committee (IMSC) under Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (ATUFS), 24.10.19. |  |
30.10.2019 | Minutes of 4th IMSC meeting held on 25.10.2019 under ATUFS. |  |
30.10.2019 | Status on progress of physical inspection of accounts under previous version of TUFS (MTUFS, RTUFS and RRTUFS) |  |
19.10.2019 | Unit-wise claim details under ATUFS - Status of JIT Details as per Regional Office of TXC as on 11th October 2019 |  |
19.10.2019 | Status of progress of physical inspection of accounts under previous version of TUFS (MTUFS, RTUFS and RRTUFS) as on 14th October 2019 |  |
26.02.2019 | Highlights and Minutes of the 13th TAMC meeting held on 23.02.2019 |  |
21.12.2018 | Minutes of the 12th Meeting of the Technical Advisory-cum-Monitoring Committee (TAMC) under A-TUFS held on 22.11.2018. |  |
25.04.2018 | Minutes of the meeting to look into the issues relating to finalization of the Study by NABCONS under TUFS held on 19th April 2018. |  |
21.04.2018 | Minutes of the Meeting on Simplification of Procedures under A-TUFS |  |
03.04.2018 | Update on Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (ATUFS). |  |
11.01.2018 | Circular No. 7 (2017-18 series) dated 05.01.2018 - Enlistment of Machinery Manufacturer under ATUFS. |  |
11.01.2018 | Circular No. 8 (2017-18 series) dated 05.01.2018 - Inclusion of Machinery under ATUFS. |  |
26.12.2017 | Highlights of the 9th TAMC meeting of TUFS held on 20.12.2017 at the Office of the Textile Commissioner, Mumbai. |  |
28.04.2017 | Minutes of the 7th meeting of TAMC under ATUFS held on 21.04.2017. |  |
18.03.2017 | Minutes of the 6th TAMC meeting held on 09.02.2017. |  |
18.03.2017 | Minutes of the meeting regarding evaluation / assessment of Committed Liabilities data submitted by lending agencies to MOT for reimbursement of subsidy under MTUFS and RTUFS, held on 25th February, 2017, at 11.30 AM. |  |
14.02.2017 | Highlights of 6th meeting of Technical Advisory-Cum-Monitoring Committee (TAMC) under Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (ATUFS) held on 09.02.2017. |  |
20.01.2017 | Submission of Subsidy Claims under M-TUFS, R-TUFS and RR-TUFS upto quarter ending on 31.12.2016 through i-TUFS software. |  |
16.01.2017 | Additional Subsidy of 10% for Garments & Made-ups under ATUFS |  |
12.01.2017 | Year-wise subsidy fund sanctioned by Ministry of Textiles under R-TUFS & RR-TUFS up to Sep. 2016. |  |
03.01.2017 | Year-wise subsidy fund sanctioned by Ministry of Textiles under R-TUFS & RR-TUFS upto June 2016 (II Lot) |  |
27.12.2016 | ATUFS - office of The Textile Commissioner, Ministry of Textiles circular No.8 (2016-2017 Series) |  |
09.12.2016 | Cabinet approves Reforms to Boost Employment Generation and Exports in the Made-ups Sector. |  |
28.10.2016 | Submission of subsidy claims under MTUFS (List 1), RTUFS & RRTUFS up to September 2016 through i-TUFS |  |
12.10.2016 | Highlights of the 1st Meeting of IMSC under ATUFS held on 5th October 2016 at New Delhi. |  |
22.09.2016 | TUFS Interest subsidy released under R-TUFS & RR-TUFS upto June 2016 |  |
16.09.2016 | Minutes of the fifth meeting of TAMC under ATUFS dt. 08.09.2016 at Mumbai |  |
13.09.2016 | Highlights of the Technical Advisory-cum-Monitoring Committee (TAMC) and Evaluation of R-TUFS & RR-TUFS study by Wazir Advisors held on 8th September 2016 at Mumbai |  |
08.08.2016 | Resolution by Ministry of Textiles for additional incentive of 10% for garment units under A-TUFS |  |
04.08.2016 | Inclusion of machines under A-TUFS |  |
28.07.2016 | TUFS Interest subsidy released under M-TUFS (List-I case) during 2014-15 on 13.7.2016 |  |
14.07.2016 | Minutes of the 4th TAMC Meeting under A-TUFS |  |
14.07.2016 | Minutes of the 4th TAMC Meeting under A-TUFS |  |
07.07.2016 | Highlights of the 4th TAMC Meeting under A-TUFS |  |
21.06.2016 | TUFS Interest subsidy released under R-TUFS & RR-TUFS upto December 2015 |  |
21.06.2016 | TUFS Interest subsidy released under R-TUFS & RR-TUFS upto December 2015 |  |
27.05.2016 | Amended Technology Upgradation fund Scheme (A_TUFS). |  |
06.04.2016 | Lists of eligible machinery under Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (A-TUFS) |  |
06.04.2016 | Lists of eligible machinery under Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (A-TUFS) |  |
28.03.2016 | Highlights of the 3rd Meeting of TAMC of A-TUFS held on March 30, 2016 |  |
16.03.2016 | Highlights of the 2nd meeting of TAMC of TUFS held on 14.03.2016 |  |
08.03.2016 | Highlights of TUF TAMC Meeting held on 07.03.16 in Mumbai |  |
03.03.2016 | Salient features of A-TUFS guidelines |  |
03.03.2016 | Resolution on A-TUFS dated 29th February 2016 |  |
12.02.2016 | Action required for reimbursement of IR under M-TUFS |  |
04.02.2016 | Report on TUFS by Mr. V.K. Ladia, Chairman, CITI's Sub-Committee on TUFS |  |
24.01.2016 | TUFS Interest subsidy released under R-TUFS & RR-TUFS upto June 2015 |  |
24.01.2016 | Inputs for A-TUFS guidelines |  |
13.01.2016 | Implementation of A-TUFS from 13.1.2016 |  |
04.01.2016 | Uploading of TUF loans sanctioned under RR-TUF Scheme |  |
31.12.2015 | Details of Cabinet's Decision on TUFS |  |
20.10.2015 | Submission of subsidy claims under R-TUFS & RR-TUFS upto quarter ending on 30-06-2015 through i-TUFS software |  |
20.10.2015 | Submission of subsidy claims under R-TUFS & RR-TUFS upto quarter ending on 30-06-2015 through i-TUFS software |  |
30.09.2015 | TUFS Interest subsidy released |  |
27.08.2015 | Comprehensive Integrated Software Development (i-TUFS) for Technology Upgrdation Fund Scheme |  |
26.08.2015 | OM regarding Comprehensive Integrated Software Development (i-TUFS) for Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme |  |
07.07.2015 | Comprehensive Integrated Software Development (iTUFS) for TUFS |  |
24.04.2015 | Ministry of Textiles appoints M/s. Wazir Advisors Pvt. Ltd. for undertaking the work of evaluation of RTUFS & RRTUFS |  |
27.03.2015 | Additional allocation for the new projects under RR-TUF Scheme |  |
06.03.2015 | Meeting with BJP President at Coimbatore on 05.03.2015 |  |
18.02.2015 | Minutes of the 4th meeting of TAMC held on 21.01.2015 |  |
09.02.2015 | Highlights of the interaction meeting with Textile Commissioner |  |
02.12.2014 | Setting up of a Grievance Cell for TUFS issues |  |
29.09.2014 | details of 71 leftout cases under RR-TUFS |  |
29.09.2014 | blank format of UID application to be filled by Banks in respect of 71 left-out cases under RR-TUFS |  |
29.09.2014 | Office Memorandum reg 71 leftout cases under RR-TUFS |  |
20.09.2014 | Minutes of the 4th Meeting of IMSC held on 4th Sept 2014 |  |
21.08.2014 | Meeting with Secretary (Textiles) on TUFS Issues on 14.8.2014 |  |
09.07.2014 | Technical Advisory –Cum - Monitoring Committee ( TAMC) of Revised Restructured TUFS(RRTUFS) held on 19th June, 2014 |  |